Hair Loss Chemotherapy – Personalized Solution


Each person is a unique case. With different needs and desires, a different way of thinking, but also with other recruits and approaches during the decision-making process that concern his life, but also its quality.

So when faced with temporary hair loss due to chemotherapy, he evaluates the solutions in his own, unique way.

The options he has in this case are the following:

  • His first choice is to do absolutely nothing and just cover his head with turbans.
  • His second option is to choose cryotherapy, known as a helmet, which is applied during chemotherapy in the hospital.
    In order for this treatment to be successful, specific rules must be followed.
  • His third option is to choose a diseased wig to cover the head and prevent visible hair loss.
    In this case he has at his disposal many options from modern wig models, with natural or synthetic hair.
    Advanced disease wigs today are of exceptional quality and are not perceived.
  • His fourth option is to be informed about the HOS technique applied exclusively by Bergmann Kord.
    She will find a completely new perspective that she had not even imagined.

More about Hollywood on the Streets technology in wigs can be found here: